"Reflections" courtesy of Danyel Seagan (Edited as a Lake Applet)
Our Souls are but
reflections of one another.
Like the cold half moon, our lone existence portrays the cold dark sky,
sans stars, sans night clouds. But by being together, our energies
rekindle our spirits,
rise up to a blaze that warms the universe.
We become like the sun, the source of the energies ;
we become like the Great Spirit, magnificent and eternal...
far away in the distant abyss of the universe
Souls drifting, distance they traverse
Vibrant rhythm, radiant colors
Whirling circles, burning stars
journey of the souls haunting the dark
in timeless distance of distant time
yearning fire, rousing flame
flickering suns, quivering moons
among herds of souls such two spirits
kindled by piercing, raging nostalgia
searching lights, racing comets
waiting Venus, watchful Mars
two blazing lights far-reaching out
calling the winds with long-suffering cries
meditative pains, passioned agony
exploding universes, falling stars
alas! the stars etched a destiny
laid down the red cord for these souls' unity
choir of angels, chants of spirits
flaring passion, love divine
-by Necie-
the moon arising nights aglow
stars flickering, magnificent show
spirits exulting, chants resounding
jubilant seraphims, songs in tow
the universe prances
it's a celebration, the earth dances
two souls unite, a celestial merge
bodies entwined, love ecstacy
-by Necie-
In the still darkness of nights' eternity I imagine I have you here with me. We are closely wrapped within angels' wings Our spirits fly freely; our hearts sing.
Soaring; falling into each others dreams Oh! How lovely this consuming joy seems. Surely our life was given for only this Nothing else could bring such total bliss
. When all is over when life is gone Our love will still sing it's lilting song. Lifting our beings toward Eternal Love's Own We shall enter hand in hand His Heavenly Home. And Love shall call us close to His side With one touch He will dry the tears we cried. Bestowing a gift that will reward our pain The promise "You shall never be parted again."
*** Our deepest gratitude to Laura Pann of Angelandpups Homepage for this lovely poem. She captured our very souls.***
A Beautiful
Love Story
I love you because of your tender touch,
You have a way that truly means so much.
I love you because, we also work together,
A day of sunshine, and through stormy weather.
I love you when you are well or when your sick,
When your clothes are clean, your hair brushed slick.
Its a day of pleasure for me when I am by your side,
I love you just for being there with me when I cry.
I love you because you always try to understand,
I love you because you are happy to be my man.
We have shared our dreams and good times too,
You were there to comfort me when I was blue.
We will have days and many years for us to share,
Remembering the good times and how much you cared.
Our true love for each other will never, never end.
We will let others know how our lives just blend.
*Dedicated to James & Ness*
August 10, 1998
In Love, Always with pen in hand,
Sandy Zentgraf
No one may use any part of this without the consent of
James & Ness.
To Sandy
Excerpts from Mrs. Leary's Daughter
(An Autobiography)
-- Our heartfelt appreciation to
your warm friendship --
-from James and Ness-
our romance
our romance - part 2
musical digital postcard
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