The pages that will
now open are reflections of our attempts to weather the bitterness
of the pains of being in separation. Through our efforts to be together not
only physically
but in spirit as well until the time of our everlasting union, we join in faith and
even more strength to live day by day. And as we endure, we believe we will
triumph with the true love and joy that we will reap when that
blessedness of togetherness comes.
Ours might be a
journey filled with adversities,
but with your company, we find light and serenity.
Our fervent gratitude to you for being here with us.
Our love sustains...
our romance part 2
musical digital postcard
It is a great pleasure to have you as
a GUEST and a FRIEND, so
We would love to hear your thoughts, feelings and views
about this site, distant relationships, true love, internet romance
and most especially, your "Cheers!" and "Best Wishes!"
- James and Ness -
in case the above guestbook doesn't work
please sign here...
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on this page are designed by
If you're gonna use them,
have a link back to this
I place this button where I cried...
My special button.
Pls.don't take without permission...
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